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Blog de perfectjammmer

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  • What application scenarios should I avoid using wifi jammers?
    publié le 08/09/2022 à 03:52

    In recent years, there have been more and more application scenarios of wifi jammer. The most commonly used scenarios include: various examination rooms, examination rooms, various confidential institutions, various detention centers, prisons, drug rehabilitation centers and other detention and supervision places, etc. In general, the use of wifi jammer device in these units or places is legal, but there are also some places that are not suitable for use. So, what application scenarios should be avoided when using wireless wifi signal jammer?

    From the demand consultation we received, some of the demands are obviously impure motives or illegal. For example, if you want to install a wireless wifi signal blocker on a transport vehicle, and turn on the device when being weighed by the weighbridge, so you want to block or interfere with the weighing data of the weighbridge. Another example: I want to install a wifi jammer in the power distribution room, or install it near the remote meter reading terminal equipment of the electric meter, to interfere and prevent the upload of the meter data. Another example: I want to use a wifi blocker on some engineering vehicles, especially to interfere with GPS positioning data, so that the superior cannot monitor the vehicle's running trajectory in real time.

     wifi jammer for sale

    Through the examples of various cases mentioned above, we can know that there are indeed a small number of people who want to use the working characteristics of the wireless wifi bluetooth jammer to consciously and targetedly avoid some supervision, or temporarily obtain a small number of people. benefit. These people have bad motives and even risk violating national laws and regulations. As a professional manufacturer of wireless wifi signal jammers, we must operate in accordance with the law and resolutely suppress these abominable acts similar to the above. So when we need to have such a demand, we will directly refuse.

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