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  • How to block someone's wifi signal?
    publié le 06/09/2022 à 05:03

    Now, with the development of the Internet, wifi has become an indispensable part of our lives, so do you know how to block wifi?
    Many people have wireless routers at home to meet the needs of devices to access the Internet, which has also spawned a lot of people who surf the Internet. Isn't your home wireless network being used by others? Has your wireless broadband been "rubbed" by others? How to block wifi from others?
    First enter the web configuration interface of the wireless router AP, find the basic settings menu to modify the SSID name, select Disable SSID broadcast, then modify the default IP address of the wireless router AP, turn off the DHCP function, and adjust the wireless transmit power to control the wireless network coverage. 
    5g wifi jammer
    Enter in the IE address bar, and then see the password and user name, both are admin. This will allow you to see the currently connected project. If there are redundant devices, they will be cleared. If it is a wireless router, it is best to turn off the wireless broadcast.
    Step 1: Turn off SSID (network name) broadcast
    After turning off the SSID broadcast of the wireless router AP, it is difficult to find this wireless network when searching for wireless. The setup method is very simple. Enter the web configuration interface of the wireless router AP, find the "Basic Settings" menu, modify the SSID name in it, and then select "Disable SSID Broadcast".

    Step 2: Turn off the DHCP function

    After turning off the SSID broadcast, we also need to turn off the DHCP function, which means that the wireless router/AP cannot automatically assign IP addresses to wireless clients. In order to further prevent being "robbed", we'd better modify the default IP address of the wireless router/AP. For example, the default IP address is:, we can modify it to Enter the web configuration interface of the wireless router/AP, find the "LAN Settings" menu, then modify the default IP address, and select "Disable DHCP Server" to confirm.

    Step 3: Reduce the transmit power and upgrade the firmware

    If some wireless routers/APs currently have the function of adjusting the wireless transmission power, the coverage of the wireless network can be controlled by adjusting the wireless transmission power, making it difficult to search for wireless signals. Upgrading the firmware of the wireless router/AP is also important, because it not only fixes some security holes, but may also add additional protection features for better security.

    Generally speaking, you have to log into the router background to hide the wifi signal. You can hide the wifi signal by logging into the router management background and selecting wifi settings to turn off the ssid broadcast.
    If you feel that the above steps are too many and too complicated, you can also consider buying a wifi jammer, which can easily help you solve the problem of being hacked on your network.

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