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  • my head in. She cam
    publié le 20/07/2019 à 08:51

    There are two phoenix trees in front of my house. According to my father, it was planted when he was a child. In recent years Wholesale Cigarettes, the country has landed a lot of land, and other people have sold it. But every time Dad saw that they were so leafy, they couldn��t bear to cut it, but the new problem appeared again. The tree did not know the owner. It grew tall and crowned. The crops of others have been covered. So the neighbors advised his father to cut down the two trees. The father always said that the trees are so big, just keep it. Now there are few trees in this place, you can rest below, and then say the children Cheap Cigarettes. We all like this tree too. At this time, the neighbors will understand it very well Marlboro Red, and right, there is no place for a hot day. This tree is very cherished by our family. I don't know what it means to my father Carton Of Cigarettes, but it is really unique to me. Grandma is a traditional woman who is old-fashioned and patriarchal. The thought of being a patriarch is even more ingrained. Therefore, when I was young, my conflict with her was very deep. I remember once, I went out to play with a neighbor��s sister (at that time, I was catching butterflies, grasshoppers, climbing trees, etc.). When I got home, it was already very late. When I knocked on the door, she just wouldn��t open it. I can only hear the voice of her shouting in the room. I waited outside the door for a long time and saw that she hadn't opened the door yet Online Cigarettes. I took the door and prepared to climb in. I just put my head in. She came over and pushed the door tighter. I hurriedly shrank my head back. I was afraid of her. Chasing and running hard, ran between the two trees, fell asleep, until the next morning saw Grandma's muddy shoes and then I liked the tree, I always Telling his little secret to it, and it is like a kind old man keeping a secret for me, leaving me carefree and comfortable. This is my phoenix tree, just like my loved ones give me special happiness, so I can't forget, I also hope that it will live forever in the hearts of those who can't go home at this time.
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