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  • Millennial lanes
    publié le 26/04/2019 à 03:14

    Millennial lanes, strangers. A leaf fell into the water. In the long river of history, there is a natural and simple atmosphere. White-walled tile houses, curved gables, some ruins and broken walls, and picturesque scenery. Tea is a kind of drink, a story of a leaf; tea is a kind of life. From the perspective of Chinese characters, people are between plants and trees. "Tea, a story of a leaf" It is China's first documentary to explore the world's tea culture. The film's main themes are "the temperature of the land and palm", "the end of the road", "the thing of boiling water boiled tea", "other township, hometown" and other stories. The story of a leaf: Perceive perfection in imperfect life Cigarettes Online Usa Only, even if there is only one cup of tea. The night stars come and sleep on the eyelids, so the dream is heavy. A few street lights appeared very weak on the road in the middle of the night. Like the old man who was very late, slowly, I also walked into the dream of this tea. In the dream of that tea, together with these skilled craftsmen on the tea-seeking road, we crossed the hustle and bustle Lights Cigarette, exploring the original hometown in a mysterious silence, and attracting the beautiful spring. The attitude of craftsmanship and the attitude of tea people are actually attitudes of time. There, we experienced the moment when the ancestors were making tea, and they were sour and bitter. We will see a lot of tea life. They analyze every aspect, look for every detail, constantly seek change, and make tea with heart. Perhaps they are convinced that we will be proud and moved by the tea. I have always liked antique things, and for tea, nature is no exception. Chinese girl, there is wind in her arms. More and more like "hidden gentlemen." I like to go to the quiet places of the mountains and the forests. I often imagine that there is a small tea room hidden in the green. Listen to the music like the flowing water, basking in the warm sunshine, or watching the rain falling on the eaves, about three or five confidants, in the long tea, talk about the earth. Full of tea, rich in orchids. When I saw those pictures inserted into my brain frame by frame Cigarettes For Sale Cheap, I felt that I had found a new world. Look at the tea in their hands, the smile on the face. I hope that it will freeze at that moment. The sun is just on the face of every person who makes tea, which is especially warm. Those pictures, quiet and beautiful. I don't want to bother them quietly. Because I never wanted to enter, I didn��t even have a wait-and-see attitude. When you read carefully, you will find that it is far more than tea, but also a practice. Every piece of tea has a story that belongs to it. People who like to make tea use life and earnestly write about it. Some people are making tea with their heart, while others are using their own tea because they feel that it is the foundation of their own lives, and they are destined to do a good thing in their lives Buy Newports Cheap. Putting a cup of tea on the table, the atmosphere around you is different, just like you think of a special person, somewhere chic scenery, a detail that you can't forget for a long time Cigarettes For Sale Wholesale. Tea is such a magical power, it seems that the waves of Pinghu Qiuyue are not shocked, and there is a feeling of thousands of turns. After leisure, sit down and have a cup of tea, nostalgic and grateful. More than just a leaf, it is the practice of life.

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