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Blog de thomasbattery

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  • OPPO BLP595 2320mAh/8.82WH 3.8V Li-ion Cell Phone Battery
    publié le 21/09/2020 à 05:17

    This OPPO BLP595 Standard Battery for your OPPO smartphone will keep you in touch for longer when your original cell phone battery loses its charge. A cell phone replacement battery will give you the longest standby-time and talk-time. This OPPO standard cell battery features 2320mAh/8.82WH 3.8V of capacity and Lithium-ion cell type. Effective and economical, this battery is essential to extend the life of your OPPO cell phone.

    • Brand: OPPO Cell Phone Battery
    • Replaceable with the following models: BLP595
    • Rechargeable battery type : Li-ion
    • Color: Black
    • Current : 2320mAh/8.82WH
    • Voltage : 3.8V
    • Capacity : 8.82WH
    • Encoding : ECN11729_Te
    • Supported models : BLP595

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    OPPO Battery


    Prolonging the Life of Your OPPO BLP595 Cell Phone Battery.

    1. Initialize a new OPPO BLP595 Cell Phone Battery. New batteries should be fully charged before their first use to obtain maximum capacity. Nickel-based batteries should be charged for 16 hours initially and run through 2-4 full charge/full discharge cycles, while lithium ion batteries should be charged for about 5-6 hours. Ignore the phone telling you that the battery is full—this is normal but is not accurate if the battery is not initialized.

    2. Avoid fully discharging a lithium-ion battery! Unlike Ni-Cd batteries, lithium-ion batteries' life is shortened every time you fully discharge them. Instead, charge them when the battery meter shows one bar left. Lithium-ion batteries, like most rechargeable batteries, have a set number of charges in them.

    3. Keep the battery cool. Put the battery in the fridge. Your battery will last longest if used near room temperature, and nothing wears on a battery like extended exposure to high temperatures. While you can’t control the weather, you can avoid leaving your phone in a hot car or in direct sunlight, and you don’t have to carry your phone in your pocket, where your body heat will raise its temperature.

    4. Charge your battery correctly, in accordance with its type. Most newer cell phones have lithium-ion batteries, while older ones generally have nickel-based batteries. Read the label on the back of the battery or in the technical specifications in the manual to determine which yours is.

    5. Clean the battery contacts on the battery and on the phone. Over time, contacts may accumulate dirt which reduce the efficiency of energy transfer. Clean them with a cotton swab and rubbing or isopropyl alcohol.

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    Why choose us?

    1. Quality comes first,you dont need to worry or have any trouble with our batteries.

    2. Competive price,we always offer reasonable price for high quality products.

    3. Best service no matter before and after order.

    4. Warranty 12 months,for quality issues you will get replacement or refund.

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