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Blog de thomasbattery

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  • How to Reduce Computer Screen Glare
    publié le 19/09/2017 à 04:49

    Working on a computer all day can cause eye strain and headaches. Computer glare is a common factor in causing such problems. Frequent drying of the eyes and tiredness can also make working on a computer difficult. Screen glare can be reduced for free or with the use of computer screen products. Reduced screen glare can allow users to read documents easier and complete computer tasks with visual ease.

    Adjust the brightness and contrast on the computer screen. Locate the monitor buttons on the side or bottom of the screen. Press the buttons to dim or brighten the monitor for better viewing. Adjusting the screens brightness will help reduce glare.

    Dim the lights at home or in the office. Bright florescent and tungsten lights can cause sharp glare. Dim lights by removing one or two florescent lights from office ceilings. Turn off desk lamps or place them farther away from monitors to help reduce screen glare.

    Relocate the computer monitor. Place the monitor in an area of the workstation that receives very little overhead or outside light. Turning the monitor away from direct light may also reduce glare on the screen.

    Place a monitor hood over the screen. Monitor hoods shield light from the top and sides of the screen. Aside from being inexpensive, monitor hoods are easy to install. Most use Velcro strips that are placed on both the monitor and hood, allowing them to attach together.

    Cover computer screens with an anti-glare filter. Glass-coated, anti-glare filters can reduce up to 95 percent of glare caused by direct or overhead lights. Polarizing, anti-glare filters can further reduce glare by trapping or dispersing light, allowing text to appear clear and easy to read.

    Wear anti-glare glasses. Polarized and color coatings are placed on lenses to reduce or eliminate glare that is viewed on screens. Color-coated lenses also help reduce the blue or yellow tint that is emitted by florescent and tungsten lights.

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