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Blog de thomasbattery

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  • Laptop Battery problems
    publié le 04/08/2017 à 04:16

    While laptop battery technology is constantly improving, offering longer battery life and lighter laptops, all laptop batteries still have a limited life. Here we will look at some signs that it is time to replace your laptop battery.

    Reduced Battery Life

    The most common problem for laptop batteries is reduced battery life. It is an inevitable fact that laptop batteries eventually lose some of their capacity, and therefore, the amount of time they can supply power on a single charge. Even a battery that is used correctly will eventually begin to lose some of its capacity. The typical life for a lithium ion battery is around 2 years.

    Very Short Battery Life

    A typical laptop battery loses a certain amount of capacity over a period of time. If your laptop battery has lost a significant amount of capacity in a short period of time, it may be damaged, or may be exhibiting the “memory effect” that causes some older battery technologies to lose a large amount of capacity. Unfortunately, this often requires a new battery.

    Battery Won’t Charge

    If a laptop battery won’t charge or charges much slower than normal, it is most likely damaged. This damage can be caused be extreme heat or other problems, but a battery that won’t charge usually needs to be replaced. If the laptop won’t run on either battery power or its AC adapter, however, the problem is most likely not the battery, but the AC adapter or power supply.

    If you suspect your laptop battery needs to be replaced, it may be helpful to use a battery diagnostic tool to check the status of your battery. Do an internet search for the term battery diagnostic tool. These tools can give you information on the life, capacity, and health of your battery. If your battery needs replacing, it is recommended that you replace it as soon as possible to avoid damaging your laptop or other safety risks posed by a bad battery. You can check with an online parts locator, to determine your appropriate battery replacement.

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