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  • The relationship between WIFI jammer and the Internet
    publié le 21/10/2022 à 04:12

    There is growing concern that those without access and access to new technologies will be marginalized in all aspects of economic and social activity. There is no doubt that this is true. The Internet has become an indispensable and powerful influence in our daily lives. However, the internet can also put us at risk if we use it improperly. Many people have been addicted to it for a long time and have no mood to do something meaningful. Like short videos, it is a hidden danger for many students. It is necessary to get a wifi jammer to prevent the bad influence of the internet.

    The internet is a great resource from which we can obtain valuable information. Furthermore, it allows us to communicate with people who are far away from us at a much lower cost than traditional means of communication. Also, it can be an important part of children's learning as a lot of information is available with just one click. When it comes to this function of the Internet, we cannot do without it. Great benefit for us. In many areas, networks including smartphones are not popular, and we need to cut off their signals, so it is also necessary to buy wifi frequency jammer. You know the relationship between WIFI signal jammer and the Internet. They need each other and can achieve each other. It just depends on your judgment and the strength of self-control.
    handheld portable wifi jammer
    There is some evidence that computer use is associated with slightly better academic performance. However, we have enough evidence that the internet is bad for people. For example, its addictive nature increases the time children and teens spend in front of computer screens at the expense of other healthier physical activities, increasing their chances of being overweight and nearsighted. In addition, children have a limited ability to tell right from wrong and are vulnerable to potential contamination by harmful material on the Internet. According to incomplete statistics, juvenile delinquency is closely related to cyber violence. We need to pay attention to this issue. This is the main reason why we need to buy wifi jammer device to reduce the bad effects of the internet.

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