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Blog de perfectjammmer

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  • Can GPS Jammers Really Destroy GPS Signals?
    publié le 24/08/2022 à 04:44

      August 28, 2004, the United States - McGregor said: During the Iraq War, the Iraqis destroyed GPS navigation data, making it impossible for American cruise missiles, bombers, etc. to locate bombing targets.

      GPS is a strategic tool. It was later confirmed that the Iraqis had used GPS jammers during the dust storm. Americans rely heavily on airborne GPS and radar surveillance systems, and sadly, all GPS navigation bombs fall off their targets.

      A GPS jammer is a device that jams the GPS signal and can completely block the Global Positioning System. Such jammers are not surprising in real life. It can block GPS positioning and make it disappear within an area (usually 5-20 meters).

      GPS is just a very important function in a mobile phone. This makes it easier for people to navigate and gets you where you need to go quickly. At the same time, nearby retailers can pass relevant information to us. Someone recently asked if the GPS is being tracked when the phone is turned off, and whether a portable mini GPS jammer can effectively block the location.

      Today, mobile phones are no longer the high-quality luxury goods that they once were, and people can buy them easily and cheaply. However, using your phone regardless of the situation can have negative consequences. For example, the noise created by using a cell phone to manage books can affect readers. Using mobile phones in the classroom not only affects learning, but also disrupts educational discipline. Even on the crosswalk, many people are looking at their phones. This is very dangerous. To stop this uncivilized and dangerous behavior, you need to use a cell phone jammer.

      Mobile phones have brought us comfort and convenience, but they have also brought us many problems. Putting down the phone seems easy. Indeed, how many people can do it. Using mobile phones for a long time can lead to myopia or even deep myopia, which can seriously damage the glasses. At the same time, in addition to playing less and not making calls, you also need to know some methods to prevent mobile phone use.

      Many cell phone jammers will not only interfere with cell phone signals such as GSM 3G 4G, but also GPS signal jammers, which can set the jamming frequency band to strong GPS WiFi UHFVHF signals. Radio waves are emitted, and this part of the frequency band coincides with the frequency band emitted by the jammer, making it ineffective.

      We know that all our mobile phones are equipped with GPS navigation and positioning systems. If you use various applets or software on your phone, you will be asked to access your location to get your location. Unfortunately, many thieves and criminals place small GPS tracking devices in our cars and vehicles to monitor us in real time and allow them to carry out illegal activities such as car theft. .

      Importantly, cell phone jammer are not only powerful, they are also inexpensive, have tunable jamming bands, and are versatile. Some specialized fields, such as military aviation, use advanced technology to reduce the effect of cell phone jammers on GPS navigation by using special antennas that only receive signals in certain directions.


    Related articles:

    How wireless signal jammers work

    What are the accessories for signal jammers?

    The power of jammers shield is fixed

    What should I pay attention to when using GPS jamming?

    Cell phone jammers need systematic management

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