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Blog de inannabelle

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  • Improving sex doll finger joints
    publié le 15/12/2022 à 10:05

    People are trying to add a metal skeleton to the Real Doll's fingers, but the hardness of the metal skeleton is too strong. The silicone skin of the finger is easily punctured. Later, the metal skeleton was replaced with softer brass wire. The advantage is the ductility, flexibility and reducibility of the metal. Users can give Silicone love dolls different shapes according to their needs.


    Everything has been taken care of, once the original parts have been modified for actual assembly it may take an hour or two during assembly to fingering the complete Skinny sex dolls. There may be too much work and not enough profit for manufacturers, but many people will be interested.


    You may be interested in the articulated finger design of Mini sex dolls. The joint comes from a transparent frame. They're spring loaded, so they have to withstand some pressure to flex and then return to a straight position. The parts are made and can be used at any time. I will build a complete prototype and develop a modified palmboard.


    They are (generally) completely useless. They are connected to each other in such a way that the pins are not shot off and thus come loose. This only creates a "floating" finger that cannot maintain any posture. I was able to modify the RC joint (thanks to CC) to a joint combo on the base that allows four-way movement and left and right movement of the fingers. Unfortunately universal joints are not feasible. I'll be very elegant, but don't worry. The problem has been solved.


    It feels unsatisfying, and some manufacturers are hoping to make dolls that can be manipulated. You can take appropriate action according to your instructions. This brings new fun to the doll. For example, when you go home, your BBW sex dolls partner have to send you a glass of hot milk. Or when you are alone, hope your "love" can put on a sexy dress and sneak into your bed. All in all, it can be customized to suit all your needs.

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