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  • Are sex dolls legal in European countries?
    publié le 08/10/2022 à 11:25

    Despite the lockdown and pandemic situation, the sex doll market has flourished beyond measure in Europe, mainly in the UK, Italy, France, Spain and Germany. But what laws and regulations govern this industry in Europe? Today, let's find out what's illegal in Europe and what sells like hotcakes when talking about Love Doll. So, if you live in Europe or plan to settle there soon, this article will help you lead a worry-free and colorful life!

    Prohibition of sale of child sex dolls

    Big Boobs Sex Doll pictures

    Imagine this. Invest in expensive commodities and get legally confused by a nationwide ban or ban you don't know about. Not only will high-end products be unavailable, but you may also have to contend with busy, expensive and embarrassing lawsuits. So, before proceeding, it's a good idea to wrap your head around the laws that cover these DL Doll in Europe before you decide to bring them home.

    EU law strictly prohibits child pornography and child sexual abuse material in accordance with Directive 2011/93/EU. The European Commission takes the fight against child sexual abuse very seriously, which is clearly defined in its fifth priority 'Promoting a European way of life'. In support of this noble struggle, the Danish parliament has banned the production and sale of sex dolls for children. But adult sex dolls they are free to make, buy, sell, and use.

    Pink-Haired Housewife pic

    Growth trend of sex doll brothels in Europe

    Sex doll brothels make people have a good time. Lifelike European Ai Robot Sex Doll just a fraction of the cost of a doll. It's a good environment for people who are shy to talk to real women or who don't want a serious relationship right now. In fact, those who want to try a variety of lifelike European sex dolls aren't obsessed with one (but don't have enough resources, including money and space to house such collections. Realistic European sex dolls) also benefit from these brothels. can enjoy. They can visit a sex doll brothel near you. The best European sex dolls, and take one in your private room for up to several hours.


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