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  • Japanese love doll found in junkyard
    publié le 18/07/2022 à 03:57

    In 2021, the Shanghai region of China will begin to implement waste sorting. According to reports, Shanghai residents immediately expressed their dissatisfaction with the garbage sorting process. There are policies, there are actions, and there are internet users who have their own landfill policies. A common example of what pigs can eat is wet litter. What pigs don't eat is dry garbage. Pigs will die if they eat it, which is called toxic waste. Recycled waste can be sold to pigs. It's obvious at first glance, but when you think about it, most people in the city don't have pigs.


    But it reminds me of something. Two days ago, when the company was cleaning out the aunt's utility room, they saw a real sex robot, and they debated whether to go and see it. Of course, it was a huge spectacle, and I immediately sought the help of a male colleague. Depending on the intended use of the SE Love Doll, it has been confirmed that it should be discarded. But with such a realistic doll shape, the real point is to throw her where she won't panic. What is a love doll?

    We made some comments on this topic.

    The most common sex dolls on the market are divided into TPE and silicone. The love dolls we sell are TPE material + built-in metal skeleton. TPE material is recyclable plastic, metal is dry waste and can be disposed of separately. Homeless people go through a series of procedures to be disposed of, which is not easy. Because if you don't dispose of the doll before throwing it away, you'll frighten the finder and lead to misunderstandings. You can use scissors to cut the love doll to the size of a fist and throw it in the garbage bag. The built-in metal frame can be handled by force and bending.

    How to properly handle sex dolls

    sex robot

    If we're going to handle a big boobs sex doll properly, it should be clear that it's a real doll, not a real person. The actual love doll weighs about 20 to 30 kg, but my male colleague still has a little difficulty moving. Then I found a car and drove to my colleague's door. Close male colleagues were taken to the badminton court, and they did not forget to hide their clothes. Eventually, he called his uncle who was collecting the trash and took the Dutch doll. At this point, I want to remind you that dolls are a big deal when it comes to garbage collection, and they cost money. What do you think of real dolls?

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