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  • Replacement for DELL J775R 305W Computer Power Supply
    publié le 26/12/2019 à 06:32

    All of our new Computer Power Supply for DELL J775R are made with high-quality and free from defects in material and workmanship. We never sell used or refurbished adapters. Shopping with us is safe and secure. If you are not satisfied with our products for any reason, please don't hesitate to contact us, we will reply you within 24 hours. Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction.

    • Brand : DELL
    • Input Voltage : 100-240V~4.7A 47-63Hz(global)
    • DC Output : 305W
    • Color : null
    • Encoding : DEL17131_3_Se
    • Supported models : L305P-03 F305P-00 H305P-02 K346R K345R M177R J775R K346R 0K346R P192M

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    How to replace your DELL J775R Computer Power Supply?

    1. Remove the dead pc power supply Once you've disconnected all the leads, look at the rear of the case and find the three or four screws holding the power supply in place. Remove them, then gently lift out the PS, making sure that the cabling doesn't get tangled on, say, a RAM module or expansion card and accidentally pull it loose.

    2. Install the new Pc power supply Out with the old, in with the new. Make sure the replacement Pc power supply is set to the correct voltage, which for U.S. users means 115 (look for the little red switch on the back: If it's showing 230, slide it to 115). Once the old PS is out, put the new one in its place and screw it in. Now just reverse the steps you performed: connect the leads to their respective outlets, replace any extracted components, and consult your photos to make sure you've left no lead unplugged. (You'd be surprised how easy it is to forget, say, the DVD lead, especially when you've spent 10 minutes trying to wedge in that pesky front-panel lead.)

    3. Fire it up Before you close up the case, make sure everything works. Connect the power cord to the Pc power supply, plug in your monitor and keyboard, and fire up the machine. Unless you've failed to connect the main leads to the motherboard, it should come right to life, just like before. Let it boot completely, then check to make sure there's power to the optical drive(s) and, if applicable, the front panel.


    1. 100% new high quality DELL J775R.

    2. Provides excellent Computer Power Supply characteristics.

    3. 30-Day Money Back,1 Year Warranty for J775R Replacement Computer Power Supply.

    4. Quick delivery for every order.

    5. If you need any help or have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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