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High quality SKY_VIPER 650mAh/2.4WH 3.7V tablet battery
publié le 16/02/2023 à 10:37 |
Find the right battery for Sky Viper V2400HD S1700 Drone to solve your power issues. Our SKY_VIPER RC-SY65025ST batteries are manufactured to precisely fit just as your original battery. Shopping in PC-Laptop is safe and secure! 100% Guarantee Quality and Fully Test!
Online Store:
What is the run time of SKY_VIPER RC-SY65025ST battery?
SKY_VIPER RC-SY65025ST have two main ratings on them: Volts and Amperes. Because size and weight of batteries is limited when compared to larger batteries such as car batteries, most companies show their ratings with Volts and Milliamperes. One thousand Milliamperes equals 1 Ampere. When buying a battery, select batteries with the most Milliamperes (or mAh). Batteries are also rated by Watt-Hours, perhaps the simplest rating of all. This is found by multiplying the Volts and the Amperes together.
SKY_VIPER RC-SY65025ST Batteries
100% OEM Compatible with your Sky Viper V2400HD S1700 Drone.
Lithium Ion battery technology.
Convenient and secure online purchasing.
Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.
1 Year Warranty on all SKY_VIPER Replacement Batteries.
You may also want to see this battery
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