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Blog de Kornelia

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  • On reprend tout à zéro
    publié le 14/04/2009 à 15:57

    et on se remotive - il fait super beau, on a envie de se mettre en habits légers mais sans bourrelets, n'est-ce pas? Alors, on arrête de grignoter à tout bout de champs, on se serre les coudes (les fessiers et les abdos avec :-))) et on y croit!!!!

    Voilà, enfin, passées et survécues les dernières fêtes "gargantuesques" avant l'été où tous autour de la table nous poussent à goûter ce moelleux gigot d'agneau (ah, tu ne mets pas de sauce???), avec ses tendres flageolets fraîchement sortis de leurs cosses (euh, boîte métallique, merci M. Bond-Uelle!) - tu ne veux pas y mettre du "schnackabutter", c'est bien meilleur - et un chapelet de petites pommes de terre sautées (au beurre, bien sûr), le tout arrosé d'un superbe bordeaux de 1996 (allez, encore un verre, il est si bon et rare....) et lorsqu'on refuse son dessert, on nous sert un beau morceau de chocolat de Pâques avec le café (sans parler d'un magnifique plateau de fromage accompagné - rebelote - d'un superbe bordeaux de 2000), ouf, bonjour la digestion dificile...

    Et voilà enfin, on peut se ressaisir, se recentrer sur l'essentiel - notre vraie sensation de faim et de sa-tié-té!!! Et on n'arrête de machouiller quand on n'a plus faim, hein!!! Et on rebooste l'organisme afin qu'il brûle au moins aussi bien que la chaudière qu'on vient d'arrêter (ben oui, quoi, laisser son chauffage allumé quand il fait 25°C dehors, ça va pas, non?). Et lorsqu'on a envie (je dis bien envie et pas faim) de se mettre quelque chose de bon et frais sous la dent: 1. on boit, 2. on se brosse les dents (ah oui, ça c'est très très frais!!!), 3. on occupe son ciboulot tout là-haut - eeeeeuh, par exemple, en essayant de déchiffrer ce petit texte en anglais? A vos dicos, mes belles, prêtes? Partez!!!! (et quand vous aurez tout lu et compris, prenez-en de la graine, enfin, du citron, je veux dire). A PLUS.

    7 Principles Of The Lemon Juice Diet
    Some of the world's sexiest celebrities are sweet on The Lemon Juice Diet, the new book that spells out a safe and delicious eating plan that goes far beyond the popular "Master Cleanse" program used for quick, short-term fixes.

    The Lemon Juice Diet is a diet unlike any other diet. No gimmicks. No tricks. No counting calories.

    You're encouraged to eat more, not less... as long as the food you eat is rich in nutrients that can improve your digestion, boost your metabolism, and help you lose weight for good.

    Author Theresa Cheung has graciously agreed to answer a few questions and share the 7 principles of her Lemon Juice Diet.

    "This is a cleansing diet like those used by beauties like Victoria Beckham and Beyonce Knowles," Cheung says.

    "In simple terms lemon juice boosts your digestion. Without good digestion it is impossible to get the nutrients you need to lose weight.

    "Lemon also boosts levels of weight loss-boosting vitamin C, calcium, pectin and quercetin."

    We'd be remiss if we didn't issue this warning: If you suffer from heartburn, kidney or gall bladder problems or have a citrus allergy this diet isn't for you. To avoid problems with your teeth never brush them immediately after eating lemons. Wait a full 30 minutes.

    Cheung became interested in the super power of lemons after a few visits to "health farms."

    "Clients were always given lemon juice first thing," she notes. "Also, nutrition books I've worked on always urge dieters to start day with lemon juice.

    "I wanted to find out why so I began my research. I found out. I'm slimmer now in my 40's than when I was a teenager thanks to lemon juice."

    Cheung is a health journalist who's been writing and ghost writing health and diet books for 10 years. Nutrition credentials for this book were supplied by Dr. Marilyn Glenville, nutritionist and President of the Food and Health Forum of the Royal Society of Medicine.

    So, what are these toxins we need get rid of... where do they come from?

    "A diet that is too high in salt, sugar, additives, preservatives and saturated fat creates the toxins in our body," Cheung says.

    "They also come from the environment via smoke and chemicals and the like."

    You’re encouraged to incorporate one of the seven principles into your diet daily over a one-week period.

    "But by all means give yourself longer if you feel you need it, and don’t move onto the next principle until you feel comfortable with the previous one," Cheung notes.

    "Sometimes making lots of changes at once can be daunting and overwhelming, so find out what works best for you and your stomach."

    The 7 Lemon Juice Diet Eating Principles

    DAY ONE: Drink lemon with water first thing every morning and plenty of water throughout the day.

    Make sure you drink a glass of lemon juice with water first thing in the morning. You should also drink more water throughout the day.

    Starting your day with a glass of lemon juice with water is a great way to stimulate your digestive system and promote bowel movement. So if you do not do anything else − start every single day with a refreshing glass of lemon water!

    Make absolutely sure that you also drink at least 6–8 glasses of water a day -- more if you are exercising.

    For your early-morning lemon juice, squeeze one lemon into a glass of warm distilled water. Drink it first thing when you wake up, and then go about your normal routine. Don’t drink or eat anything else for 1/2 hour to give it time to work its magic.

    DAY TWO: Vitamin C power

    Today, as well as drinking your lemon juice first thing and plenty of water throughout the day, you need to make sure you eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables to ensure you are getting enough vitamin C.

    Ideally you should aim for two portions of fruit and three to four portions of vegetables. A vegetable portion is 1 to 2 cups of raw vegetables, 1 cup if they’re cooked. A fruit portion is 1 medium-sized piece of fruit, such as an apple, banana, orange or lemon.

    If you eat the fruit and juice of one raw lemon over the course of the day, plus at least four portions of fruits and vegetables, you will definitely be getting enough vitamin C in your diet.

    DAY THREE: Squeeze lemon juice over meals to help balance your blood sugar levels.

    After you’ve had your morning glass of lemon juice and made a mental note to get your five a day today, you can start to think about the next Lemon Juice Diet principle: balancing your blood sugar levels.

    Balancing your blood sugar levels is one of the best ways to trigger weight loss. This is because if your blood sugar levels fall too low you will get powerful food craving – usually for sweet and fattening foods.

    Also, when blood sugar levels swing too high, so does insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps shuttle blood sugar (glucose) out of the blood and into your cells to be used as energy. In other words, insulin promotes fat storage – one reason that fluctuating blood sugar levels tend to make you fat.

    Study after study has shown that high insulin levels are associated with obesity.

    DAY FOUR: Cut down on sugar

    We touched on the "S" word with principle three: balance your blood sugar levels. But because cutting down on sugar is so important for weight loss, it can be stressed again.

    Although there are many causes and triggers for weight gain, there is one thing on which almost everyone seems to agree: sugar makes it worse.

    Sugar stimulates the production of too much insulin which causes your blood sugar levels to plummet. If your blood sugar levels aren’t stable, not only is the food you eat more likely to be stored as fat but you are more likely to crave high-calorie, sugar-rich food – which gives you a brief high followed by a big slump.

    It’s a vicious circle which can make weight loss almost impossible and leave you feeling edgy and tired. Sugar can also overwork your liver, disrupting the digestive process by working against good nutrition and depleting your body of nutrients − nutrients you need to lose weight and feel good. The solution is simple: cut down your sugar intake.

    Make a real effort to reduce or eliminate processed carbohydrates. Most processed carbohydrates – white breads, bagels, most pastas and snacks − are loaded with flour and other ingredients that convert to sugar in the body almost as fast as pure glucose. That sugar gets stored as triglycerides, which is a fancy way of saying fat.

    Beware of artificial sweeteners. Unfortunately, they can increase cravings for sugar and carbohydrates.

    DAY FIVE: Forget low fat

    Around 25 percent of your diet should be healthy protein in the form of nuts, seeds, eggs, lean meat and low-fat dairy products, 40 to 50 percent should be healthy carbohydrates in the form of whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruit and the remaining 25 percent should be in the form of healthy fats.

    Lots of us have spent years thinking about low fat, but low fat is not the way forward if you want to lose weight.

    True, fat is high in calories but if you need to lose weight it’s crucial. You just need to make sure you are eating the right kinds in moderate amounts. If your diet is too low in fat you could suffer from mood swings, joint pain, infertility, skin problems and weight gain.

    Healthy fats, such as unsaturated fat found in extra virgin olive oil, and essential fats (EFAs) such as Omega 3 and 6, found in oily fish, nuts and seeds, can help with weight loss because they delay the passage of carbohydrates into your blood stream, keeping your blood sugar levels stable and your insulin down. In fact, EFAs are excellent hormone regulators and blood sugar stabilizers and by now you should know that stable blood sugar levels means less likelihood of mood swings, fatigue, heart disease, fertility problems and obesity.

    DAY SIX: Eat lots of fresh whole foods

    "Whole foods" means foods that are unrefined in their most natural form – vegetables, fruits, wholemeal grains, pasta, rice and legumes, such as peas and beans – which are naturally full of nutrients. Whole foods do not contain any additives such as artificial colorings or preservatives.

    Whole foods are bursting with nutrients your body needs for good health and weight loss. They contain plenty of fiber, which as you’ve seen has a stimulating effect on the digestive system and can slow down the conversion of carbohydrates into your blood stream.

    Best of all though, whole foods − especially those that are organic − are free of unwanted chemicals that overload your liver, making it hard for your body to digest food efficiently and burn fat. Eating as many fresh whole foods (preferably raw) as you can will boost nutritional support to your body’s detox system.

    DAY SEVEN: Know your digestion dos and don’ts.

    Hopefully, by now it has become clear to you that however healthy your diet is, if your digestion is poor you won’t be getting the nutrients you need to boost your metabolism and shift excess weight.

    If you’re drinking a glass of lemon juice water every morning and following the principles of the Lemon Juice Diet, your digestion will have already improved, but to give it that final push
    incorporate the following tips into your diet and lifestyle:

    Chew it over: If you don’t chew your food properly you give more work to the rest of the system, which puts it under stress.

    How you eat: Put your knife and fork down between mouthfuls and take your time. How you eat is as important as what you eat for a healthy digestion.

    Don’t sweat the small stuff: Your stomach and intestines are very sensitive to stress, and when you feel anxious your digestion shuts down to help your body focus on preparing the flight-and-fight response.

    Never eat when you’re angry: It is also important to eat in a relaxed and calm state. A happy and calm vibe improves digestion.

    Don’t eat when you are tired: Never eat when very tired or mentally or physically fatigued. Never eat within three hours of bedtime. Your body needs to be resting not digesting.

    Turn off the TV: You won’t be concentrating on your food and you are likely to eat way too much. Overeating will make your heart pump harder and your stomach will be overworked in attempting to digest the excess food.

    Give it 20 minutes: If you have finished your meal and still feel hungry, wait 20 minutes before eating more. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to catch up with your stomach and recognize that you are full.

    Be active: Regular aerobic activity -- at least 30 minutes of any activity that makes you feel slightly breathless and sweaty, five or six days a week -- helps stimulate the muscles of the digestive system, enabling you to digest food better and expel waste more efficiently.
    Source: http://www.diet.com



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  • tatiana28 
    publié le 25/04/2009 à 16:44
    Coucou, ma belle!
    Comme tu as raison! allez finis les grignotages et vite les kilos filez car les petis hauts sexys nous attendent! lol
    passe un trèsbon week end et plein de gros bisous!
  • cateli 
    publié le 24/04/2009 à 09:56
    non mais ohhh!! Tu ne crois quand mêm pas que je vais lire et déchiffrer tout ce texte en anglais???hihihi Je n'y comprends pas grand chose) mais ta vidéo me fait penser que je pourrais ressortir ma corde à sauter !lol
    oui la compote de rhubarbe, très très diététique!!Je n'ai jamais essayé avec de la banane , mais je vais essayer. Moi je la fais avec des pommes et quelques raisins secs pour que ce soit un peu plus sucré sans ajouter de sucre!lol
    Bisous et bon courage à toi!!!

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