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  • Non-kinetic Approaches for Soft-Kill Countermeasures Against Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
    publié le 10/01/2025 à 04:40

    Non-kinetic counter-unmanned aerial vehicle (C-UAV) strategies operate by disrupting or intercepting communication signals. Typically, these techniques result in the drone descending rapidly, making them inappropriate for deployment in crowded areas. Although they may not be ideal for such environments, they can prove effective in other settings. It is essential to review the legal regulations in your country regarding drone countermeasures, as the use of drone jammers and spoofers is prohibited in the United States. Let us explore various non-kinetic C-UAS approaches.

    Drone GPS Spoofers

    What are drone spoofers?

    Jammers operate by obstructing radio frequency signals, whereas spoofers generate counterfeit GPS signals that replicate authentic ones. Spoofers take control of the drone's communication channel by broadcasting a fraudulent signal, which the device interprets as legitimate due to its resemblance to the actual signal.

    Spoofers operate by transmitting a more powerful counterfeit signal. They can introduce a brief lag between the drone and its controller, subsequently broadcasting a stronger false signal. As a result, the spoofer gains control over the device and is able to maneuver the drone. Spoofers manipulate GPS receivers.

    When operating a UAS device that relies on GPS for navigation, it becomes challenging to safeguard against GPS spoofing. The GPS signal is transmitted from satellites, and it is not feasible to implement conventional protective measures such as encryption or certificates to these satellite signals.

    What are the disadvantages of using spoofers against drones?

    Spoofers have four main disadvantages compared to C-UAS:

    The act of drone spoofing is prohibited in the majority of nations, including the United States.

    Drone spoofers exhibit reduced efficacy when targeting drones that operate without GPS technology.

    Drone spoofers are unable to identify the location of the pilot or the trajectory of the flight.

    Drone jammers interfere with surrounding GPS signals, complicating the ability of authorities to utilize GPS devices during genuine emergencies.

    Burkina Faso soldiers are now fielding a Chinese-made WRJ-Q02 anti-drone jammer that can force unwanted small commercial drones to land. The anti-drone jammer costs $2,300 per unit.

    SOF, GUR, the 78th regiment and battalions of the 80th, fighting in #Kursk area, urgently needs drone jammer, drones, powerbanks, generators, and antennas.

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