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Blog de tolulope1

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  • How to promote your online business for maximum visibility
    publié le 13/08/2019 à 16:06

    No matter what type of business you are going to, you will probably find yourself using them . If you have not, I will advise you to take the next step.

    Be that as you, your ultimate goal; and without anyone seeing your business online, it can be a bit diffeicult making sales.

    Without taking too much of your time, let's get started with the most.

    1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Marketing.
    2. Social Media Marketing.
    3. Affiliate Marketing.
    • Search Engine Optimization:

    The use of SEO has-been made popular this days Because Many website owners are now Realizing the positive effect it will make on Their website . As you are well aware, you have more than 200+ ranking factors that can be implemented in your search engine.

    There are three things you need to do in your SEO strategy. The combination of these strategies makes up those 200+ ranking factors; And they will impact these positive effects on your site.

    Here are the three SEOs that you should focus on:

    i. On-Page SEO ;

    ii. Off-Page SEO ; and

    iii. Technical SEO .

    Let me take then one after the other.

    On-Page SEO deals mainly with your website content. The structure and the way in which they are arranged. In another word, it deals with the way in which your content is viewed by the crawlers of the search engines.

    Within the SEO page, the title, Meta description and other factors are important. These allow the search engine crawlers to know the content of your page; it will be necessary to use these contents for your business.

    As google perfect its algorithm, so you need to get a better result.

    Another key point when perfecting your on-page SEO is your content with your keyword. Your keywords are to be used strategically on the content.

    Off-Page SEO is that type that deals with the amount of backlinks pointing to your website; or any of your website pages. It works like a voting system. To emphasize this, go to your content. For every backlink to your site, you'll get your point.

    Remember, not all backlinks carry the same effect when they point to your site. Some backlinks will pass to your page, while others will make no effect. The reason for this is that you're going to have a backlink from an authoritative website, which will be useful for that specific search sentences.

    In addition, the anchor text used in your site. If a specific anchor text is used to your site, your site will be considered for that keyword phrase use.

    To me, this is the most important thing of SEO that you give more attention to. It carries a lot of weight that will help you with your ranking and website visibility.

    Technical SEO is more than you need to keep your site in shape. That is to say, maintain your site and its content properly.

    With technical SEO, you should be more concerned about any form of errors when visiting your site. In other words, avoid having error pages; also, redirect any page that is not working properly.

    Doing this properly will give your site a better chance to rank well. For example, I have used the said strategy for one of my clients that sell men's wristwatches and jewelries in Nigeria . The company now get high traffic from Google; at the same time, these traffic patronize the company.

    Can be seen, implementing good SEO strategy - the combination of the three will give your website a competitive advantage over your competitors.

    • Social Media Marketing:

    Known for its effect to reach a wider audience of social media platform, it can be a perfect solution for you.

    With social media platforms, you can build your audience through active participation in groups and using your social media page. This is the beginning of brand recognition. As your brand popularity grows, so your website popularity grow.

    In addition, brand recognition on social media is very important. Some online marketers said that social signal does have some positive effect on your search engine ranking. Some even went further than they believe that some of these search engines uses social signal to rank website.

    Whatever may be the argument, it is known that your social media platforms can help increase your visibility.

    • Email Marketing:

    Email marketing can be effective if implemented properly. To effectively use email marketing, I will advise you to spam anybody's inbox.

    Using email marketing to get across to your audience can be more effective when you have more email addresses to reach out to. Also the content of your email matter; if the content is inviting, you will see lots of clicks to your website.

    There are various email marketing software to use. Few are free packages while majority of them are packed packages. Look for the one that best follows your need.

    As can be seen, I use the above marketing strategy to promote my content; by so doing, I am able to increase my website visibility.

    Just remember that these tips are just a few of the ways you can use them. There are other marketing strategies out there. Just look for that is best for you.


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