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  • 8 Reasons Why It’s Alright To Feel Lost In A Relationship
    publié le 08/11/2017 à 08:20

    Being in a relationship can be a full-time job. Sometimes, it can become so overwhelming and consuming that you lose your own voice and sense of ownership. You want freedom and you think your partner is not making you happy enough. You question why you are in the relationship at all.

    Yes, we all need that moment to feel uneasy and track our direction in whatever relationship we’re in. These breaks can be beneficial to becoming the person you want to be. Here are some of the positive things that can come out of those moments of indecision.

    1. You gain a different perspective on who your partner is
    You are not so absorbed about them. You see them for their flaws and perfections. Since you can rely on your instincts and find other pleasures, rather than just within the relationship itself, you understand your partner better. This knowledge will prove beneficial in the way you treat them.

    2. You begin to acknowledge other worthy activities
    Now that you want to hang out with other people, you actually appreciate your partner more and try fun new things with them. You can come up with fun things to do on your own and get your partner involved along the way.

    3. Your life switches from many fantasies to many realities
    Yes, your relationship becomes real to you. It is not guess work or something that is to be planned ahead on paper. No fantasies, no fiction, but realities that will push you make the strong decision of pushing ahead or letting go.

    4. You understand the missing holes
    Every relationship has some missing holes that need to be filled. It could be in terms of spirituality, finance, emotions, or mentality. When you are lost, you can understand these missing holes and find ways to fill them. It’s not just about the missing holes in the relationship, but the ones you find in yourself. What are your weaknesses? How can you be more purposeful and happier?

    5. You develop your own voice
    You are not just around to fulfill another person’s desires. What matters is how you feel and your independence. Your emotions and joys belong to you — these are not external things. You can reflect, plan, and execute. Along the way, you will find your own voice and identity.

    6. You are no longer jealous
    Such negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, and envy seem to disappear. They become replaced with courage, purpose, and will. Being lost offers you clarity. You are no longer consumed by what your significant other should be doing or should not be doing.

    7. You are more independent
    Being lost can offer you freedom. You identify your core values, desires, and tastes. You are open with yourself and you can try new things. You understand that you do not have to always rely on your partner. Perhaps there is a movie coming out this weekend, you can buy a ticket and go to the cinemas yourself — something that may have been unheard of for you in the past. Being forced to find this independence can make you a stronger person.

    8. You get back to the basics
    You can disconnect. You are no longer driven by the interests of your partner, but by your own desires. This means getting back to the basics, like reading books by your favorite author, exercising, eating your favorite meals. When you return to these ideals, you are strengthened and become a better you.

    People think that being lost in a relationship signals doom for that relationship — it doesn’t. It all depends on how you manage this necessary stage and work towards making the most of it.

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